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July 07, 15 - Posted in: Tech Talk by Kevin Quinn, Thee DocKtor

The DocKtor is usually involved in more technical application questions for the docks, however, he can say that the spread of illness is a real valid concern by many customers considering hoteling workstations, hot-desking, and/or workspace optimization. What he has witnessed in those customers who have implemented these applications (using Targus Universal Docking Stations) is that they also supply a container of disinfecting wipes as part of each workstation or for the employee's personal items locker. Clorox seems to be the solution of choice. The first time The DocKtor inquired about the wipes at one customer, I was told that not everybody uses them, all the time.

There is a school of thought that constant disinfecting is not a good practice. Many companies realize that the exposure at other shared devices like conference phones, FAX and copy machines, staircase rails, elevator buttons, etc. negate any extra precautions of deploying wipes for keyboards, etc. The DocKtor has also been told that it is not possible to compensate for airborne disease in most offices so wipes are only a symbol but have no real practical utility.

I have even been told that some use the wipes in lieu of washing their hands.Noting that various customers approach the issue in varying ways, and becoming quite confused by the all-knowing WWW, The DocKtor inquired with the closest authority on the subject he knew personally, his wife. The DocKtor's wife is an actual ER Nurse. She is anti, anti-bacterial wipes. She stated that in the hospital they have many shared keyboards/devices in the ER and so theyproperly wash their hands; wiping down PC would be rhetorical at best.

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