Targus Universal Docking on a Virtual Machine

The DocKtor is often asked if Targus' Universal Docking Stations (docks) can be used with a Virtual Machine? The short answer is, "Yes". The long answer, or rather, the official answer is, "Probably". That is, while not validated the DocKtor is aware of many customer using docks with VMs. I have even been told that one customer is booting their Macbook to a Windows VM PC connected to a dock using its GbE port. At any rate, however you do it, make sure your VM Hypervisor support more than one external monitor, some don't, if using two or more. The DocKtor has personally, and successfully, run Parallels on an OS X 10.10 Macbook connected to a dock with a Windows 8.1 desktop on one external monitor and a Windows 10 Technical Preview desktop and Debian GNU Linux on the other. The host MacBook desktop was left open and being used for email, etc.