Why Isn't A DisplayLink Driver Embedded In My Targus Universal Docking Station?

Why Aren’t Drivers Embedded in Targus Docking Stations - But Are Embedded in Hyper Docks?
At times, Targus is asked, “Why aren’t the DisplayLink Windows and MacBook drivers included in a piece of memory inside the Targus Universal Docking Stations?” Some companies do this, including some of our own Hyper branded products.
Embedded drivers would enable some users the ability to install the required Targus Universal Docking Stations drivers directly from the dock immediately after connection to a new host machine – regardless of an active Internet connection. Targus purposely does not embed drivers in the dock designs.
Enterprise Docking
Targus Universal Docking Stations are designed and tested to support enterprise clients. Being enterprise-focused, and in support of IT security best practices, we understand that many of our end users do not have administrative access to install drivers and software. Instead, most enterprise customers prefer to include the drivers in their OS image and push updates via Group Policy tools like SCCM, Jamf, or iTunes®. Targus posts the signed and scanned .MSI and .INF versions of the DisplayLink drivers in support of IT departments on our site.
Drivers for Targus Universal Docking Stations are updated and maintained to remain compatible to various Windows, macOS, and Linux changes. At times, they even contain workarounds to inevitable issues with these platform OS.
Consumer Docking
For those users who do have the ability to download and install drivers, Windows (Administrative Rights), macOS, and Linux drivers are posted on our Support page and accessible via the associated docking station product pages. They are also published in the Windows Update Catalog and are PnP for users with an active Internet connection. This supports the consumer use case.
Driverless Docking Alternatives
The Hyper HDM1H dock and HDM1 adapter do have embedded Windows and macOS drivers in flash memory accessible to the host via a USB connection. These drivers enable dual extended external display monitors on MacBooks, including M1/M2 based MacBooks, as well as Windows PC. At times it may be necessary to update these drivers to be consistent with OS changes and enable the Silicon Motion based (second) monitor. Because these products use Alt. Mode to support one of the HDMI ports and USB Graphics supported by the embedded Silicon Motion drivers, they are considered “driverless”.
Chromebook and Android Device Docking
The drivers needed for the Chromebook are included in the ChromeOS, including the Enterprise Upgrade, and for Android are available as an Application in the Google Play Store. All or the drivers are pre-scanned for Malware and signed as applicable. These software are maintained through the Google process and require no IT or user involvement.
Please contact your Targus/Hyper representative or DocKtor for further support or information.
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